Fun ways to spend time together as a family

24 AUGUST 2023

Whether you want to plan something special for Family Day this year or just need some fun ideas to do with the ones you love the most, here are some great activities for the whole family.Family of four playing soccerSpending proper quality time with your family is incredibly important for so many reasons. You’ll actually get to know your kids (they can change so quickly as they grow up) and they’ll get to know you as more than just mom and dad. You’ll be building lasting relationships that are based on friendship, trust and love.

There are so many ways that you can have fun together as a family, even if you have teenagers who don’t like group activities or children with a big age gap between them. All you have to do is think outside of the box and encourage everyone to get involved. With a little creative thinking, and some help from your RCS Card and the RCS Shopping Network, your family will be having fun together in no time. Did you know – every RCS Card purchase gets up to 55 days interest free, and you can also use your card to access cash when you need it? Find out more here.Girl with a camera


This isn’t just fun to do, it can give your family a record of your personal history that will be incredibly special to re-watch in years to come. It’s also an ongoing project that you and your children can work on every time you get the family together.

Start the interviews with basic information, such as date of birth and where they were born. Then think up some fun questions to ask all of the grandparents, aunts and uncles, and cousins. “What’s your favourite memory of a particular person?” or “What’s the best holiday you’ve been on?” You’ll have a lot of fun capturing important family stories on camera and hearing first-hand from all the different generations.

You can find a wide selection of small, lightweight video cameras that are easy to operate and kid friendly at Game. There are also plenty of accessories available to help you pull off this project – like a sturdy tripod from Makro (from R100) to help avoid camera shakes.Family playing soccer, running to ball that's in the net


You can gather your whole extended family, or just compete with those living in your home. All you need to do is pick the activities to play. Be sure to include everyone in the discussion about your sports so that you can take everyone’s likes and dislikes into account.

If you can’t come to a consensus, then perhaps you can balance your tournament out with a round of touch rugby for those who love a physical contest and then take each other on in a game of Checkers for those who love to battle with their minds.

Need to get all of the right equipment? Sportsmans Warehouse is a great place to find rugby balls (from R100), cricket bats (from R299.90), and a wide range of accessories for lawn games.

You can update your board game selection with a quick trip to Toys R Us. They have a wide range, including all the classics and many fun, new options – we can highly recommend Mumbo Jumbo (R149.90) for tons of giggles!Toddlers painting


Perhaps your family isn’t really into sports at all. That doesn’t mean you can’t have a bit of fun competing against each other or in teams. A cooking or baking competition can lead to a lot of laughter and ends with delicious treats for everyone to dig into when you’re done. If you need some baking utensils, check out the fun range of cookie cutters, cups and moulds from The Crazy Store.

Another option is to try painting or drawing, if you’re artistically inclined. Pick someone to be the judge, and then everyone can draw from the same inspiration. Make sure you have some fun prizes for everyone at the end of the day – and you can even invite your friends and neighbours around to view your ‘gallery’! You can top up on art supplies from Waltons with coloured pencil, crayon and paint sets from R17.25.Family cooking together in the kitchen


We don’t just mean you should get the whole family together for lunch or dinner. We mean, get everyone involved from conception through to eating. Plan the meal together – maybe let each person pick a course – and then head off to the shops with the grocery list you’ve all planned. Pick n Pay always has plenty of fresh meat and vegetables, as well as a wide selection of cooking and baking supplies.

When you’re home, it’s time to put on the aprons, wash your hands and get cooking. There’ll be a great sense of satisfaction from everyone by the time you reach the eating stage.


There are so many ways to have fun with your whole family. If you need some help, apply for an RCS Card – you get up to 55 days interest free on every purchase, access to cash by calling 0710643186, 0699682623, and flexible repayment options! What are you waiting for?